Sascha Bulthuis

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Sacha Bulthuis

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Sascha Bulthuis

BULTHUIS, Alexandra Paula Maria (born The Hague 24-5-1948 – died The Hague 15-10-2009), actress. Daughter of Rico Bulthuis (1911-2009), writer and puppeteer, and Paula Dietz (1918-2012). Sacha Bulthuis married Ausonius Greidanus (born 1950), actor, on March 26, 1973 in The Hague. From this marriage, dissolved on March 24, 1987 in The Hague, 1 son and 2 daughters were born.

Alexandra (Sacha) Bulthuis grew up in an artistic family. Her father was a man of letters, puppeteer and writer for and about puppetry, and as a lecturer at Stols publishing house had a lot of contact with artists. Her mother was a textile artist who specialized in gobelin weaving techniques. Sacha had one brother, Paul. After her parents' divorce (in 1957), Sacha lived with her mother, who remarried Rudolf Boorsma and had two more daughters: Bernadet and Anne Marie. Sacha grew up with a brother and two (half) sisters. Sacha Bulthuis went to the Free School and came to the Hague City Theater at an early age. She says she was extremely shy as a child and struggled with anxiety during her adolescence. When she was fourteen, she was allowed to perform for director and theater maker Erik Vos, a friend of her father - he would play an important role in her career. On that occasion she played Puck from Midsummer Night's Dream (Shakespeare) and Sonja from Uncle Vanya (Chekhov). The Apple In the late 1960s, Bulthuis started her training at the Theater School in Amsterdam. This study did not go without a hitch – she had to repeat one year – but when she graduated in 1971, the newspapers wrote highly about her. Through actor Eric Schneider, who also directed her graduation performance at drama school, she was able to immediately start working at the Nieuw Rotterdams Toneel, a company that focused on repertory theater. In the same year, Bulthuis also played in Bacchanten '71, directed by Erik Vos, during the Holland Festival. This performance was created through improvisations, which was very innovative at the time. Bulthuis also met Aus Greidanus at the Theater School in Amsterdam. They already played together regularly at that time and married in March 1973. They had three children: Ausonius Eric Alexander (1975) and the twins Tessa Catharina and Pauline Maria (1976). Sacha Bulthuis continued to play with various companies during this period, including Studio Laren and Globe. In 1976 Sacha Bulthuis joined the company where she would remain until her death: Toneelgroep de Appel in The Hague, founded in 1971 by Erik Vos and others. She also took her children here from an early age; they enjoyed playing in the costume and props attic. Bulthuis played many classics, often under the direction of Erik Vos and Aus Greidanus - even after their divorce in 1987. She played, among others, Shakespeare (Horatio in Hamlet, 1988), Chekhov (one of the three sisters in the play of the same name, 1990) and Botho Strauß (Lotte in Groot en Klein, 1992). Sacha Bulthuis was a characteristic appearance: '[She] was always that small woman (just 1.60 meters) with those beautiful expressive eyes, shabby jacket on, cigarette at hand' (de Volkskrant, 16-10-2009). Bulthuis herself indicated in interviews that she was shy, and that she looked for a different, more extroverted side in her playing: 'I look for things that are far removed from my shyness' (Trouw, 16-10-2009). In her own words, due to her rough, stiff appearance, she could easily play older characters even when she was young - and therefore suffered less from physical decline. Bulthuis played a lot of repertoire, but also some pieces that Gerardjan Rijnders wrote for her. Some are strikingly personal: Beroerd (2003), for example, is about the stroke she had six years earlier. Bulthuis mainly focused on the theater, but also acted in films and television series. The better-known films in which she appeared are Max Havelaar (1976), Taxi in the Night (1988), Amnesia (2001) and A Woman Comes to the Doctor (2009). She also had some roles in the television series Baantjer (1995-2006). In the summer of 2009, Bulthuis heard that she had lung cancer. The last performance she played was the performance Blik at Toneelgroep de Appel at the Oerol Festival. Not long afterwards, on October 15, 2009, Sacha Bulthuis died in The Hague, aged 61. Reputation Bulthuis was a defining face within De Appel. She won a number of important prizes, such as the Proscenium Prize for the role of Pop in Ghetto by Joshua Sobol (together with Willem Wagter). She was also nominated five times for a Theo d'Or, which she won twice - in 1974 and 1993 - and twice for a Golden Calf. In 1998 she received the Hague Victorine Hefting Prize, a biennial prize for women who have made a contribution in the cultural field. Bulthuis was praised for the depth and integrity of her playing, which is very natural

and seemed smooth, but for which she worked hard. For example, it was written about the way in which she expressed the isolation of her character in the role of Lotte in Groot en Klein: 'Bulthuis does this with an almost unparalleled plastic talent. (…) She doesn't make 1000 faces, she has them, or, more accurately, she is them.' (De Telegraaf, 30-11-1992). She spoke very matter-of-factly about her profession. When asked about her methods or talent, she claimed not to know exactly how to captivate the audience. 'Because what exactly is theater? Get up at a quarter past eight, try to fascinate and then leave. Something like that' (de Volkskrant, 5-3-1999). In 2019, at the initiative of her sister Anne Marie Boorsma, a portrait of Sacha Bulthuis was placed in the Royal Theater in The Hague. There is a Sacha Bulthuisstraat in Berkel and Rodenrijs.

met dank aan © DVN, een project van Huygens ING en OGC (UU). Bronvermelding: Suzanne Kooloos, Bulthuis, Alexandra Paula Maria, in: Digitaal Vrouwenlexicon van Nederland. URL: [28/1

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